Covid-19 Prevention and awareness campaign
With a view to continue raising public awareness on the importance of complying with the health measures put in place to combat the second wave of the COVID-19 pandemic, the Regional Government of Madrid has launched a new prevention campaign with a clear and direct emphasis on the dramatic consequences of non-compliance with the basic safety measures.
The tactic employed by our agency specifically targets young people, drawing on their codes and creatively taking advantage of the media they most consume. Under the slogan “Don’t skip your life“, we created 3 internet 6-second bumper spots, in which a false ‘skip ad’ button can be seen, to clearly stress that the health measures aren ‘skippable’ the use of masks, maintaining physical distance, and avoiding gatherings of more than 6 people.
Radio slots

Data sheet:
Agency: Darwin & Verne
Advertiser: Comunidad de Madrid
Product: Campaña de prevención de COVID-19 para jóvenes
Client contact:: Pablo Fraile Cortes
Creative President: Carlos Sanz de Andino
General Director: Alberto Martínez
Executive Creative Director: Óscar Moreno
Design Director: César Bertazzo
Creative Team: Pablo Caraballo, Gonzalo Calvo, Miguel Mengs y Javier López
Account Manager: María Hermida
Audiovisual Production team: María Jiménez y Andrea Rosenschein
Production bumpers: Adhokers
Director: Milo Jiménez
Executive Producer: Beatriz Acinas
Producer: Jose Luis Tejedor
Pieces: 6 spots para internet, 3 cuñas Spotify, cartel, banners y gráficas exterior