Another article on AI predictions? Yes, and for a good reason. Six marketing executives at the forefront of innovation in AI applied to marketing globally, from...
An article by Carlos Sanz de Andino for the magazine Anuncios. Fade to black. 2024. Tactics have overtaken strategies, the short term has swallowed the long term, urgencies have pushed brand building aside...
Generative Artificial Intelligence (GAI) is dramatically impacting many areas of marketing and advertising, creating both threats and opportunities in equal measure. In this context, Darwin & Verne, together with...
It is a well-established fact that healthcare service delivery is evolving rapidly. Every day we see examples of how digitalization (telemedicine, electronic health records EHR) and...
Three years ago, in 2021, Christmas campaigns followed a relatively predictable script: carefully produced ads with closed stories and one-way messages. Brands shared emotional narratives, but interaction with the audience was minimal.
Brands have always tried to "connect" with their audiences, but often these attempts feel clumsy, like an awkward date. With the advent of AI, brands can start listening to and engaging with their customers authentically.
Every year around this time, I have the privilege of diving into the world of entrepreneurship through the projects submitted to the jury, which I have the honor of chairing, for the 'Emprende' awards organized by the Association of Communication Companies (La FEDE).
Spain is on the verge of becoming the world's leading tourism powerhouse. If forecasts hold true, we will close this year with 95 million foreign tourists. The most optimistic predictions pointed to...
¿Otro artículo de predicciones sobre IA? Así es, y por una buena razón. Seis ejecutivos de marketing en la vanguardia de la innovación en IA aplicada al...
La Inteligencia Artificial Generativa (IAg) está impactando de forma drástica muchas áreas del marketing y la publicidad, creando amenazas y oportunidades a partes iguales. En este contexto,...
El Paciente como Cliente Que la prestación de servicios de Salud está evolucionando rápidamente es un hecho constatado. Cada día vemos ejemplos de cómo la digitalización (teleasistencia,...
Hace tres años, en 2021, las campañas navideñas seguían un guion relativamente predecible: anuncios cuidadosamente producidos, con historias cerradas y mensajes unidireccionales. Las marcas contaban relatos emotivos,...
Desde siempre, las marcas han intentado "conectar" con sus audiencias, pero muchas veces son intentos torpes, como una cita incómoda. Pero con la llegada de la IA...
España está a punto de coronarse como la principal potencia turística mundial. Si las previsiones se cumplen, cerraremos este año con 95 millones de turistas extranjeros. Las...