1m2 against the littersphere 2022
The month of June is once again time for “1m2 against the littersphere”, the great collaborative clean-up of litter that the LIBERA Project, led by SEO/BirdLife in conjunction with Ecoembes, organises each year to “free” nature from the litter that others have left behind.
‘Most Wanted’, the new campaign for The Core School
In March 2022 The Core School launched ‘Most Wanted’, a campaign with the aim of raising the school’s profile and differentiating it from other educational institutions, making it top of mind for its targets.
Plaza & Janés launches Isabel Allende’s novel, Violeta
The digital campaign has included an action linked to March 8 in which real stories of anonymous people who talk about inspiring women in their lives are given visibility.
We are independent. And you?
The digital newspaper El Confidencial reinforces its position as an independent media outlet in its new image campaign devised by Darwin & Verne.
“#LetsCleanUpTheLittersphere“, new campaign for Libera project
Coinciding with the International Day of Words, the LIBERA Project and Darwin & Verne have recreated the chairs of the RAE.
EDP “Solar Leap”
Our agency has created the new campaign “Solar Leap” for EDP and we've now been awarded the account management.
Billionhands, Do you want it? You got it
After rigorous strategic work carried out by our agency and those responsible for Billionhands, a technology startup.
There is a point to combating waste
Our agency has created a campaign that uses humor and double meaning to encourage people to pick up all the garbage that is in nature.
Covid-19 Prevention and awareness campaign
The action specifically targets young people by creatively using the media they consume the most under the claim "No te saltes la vida" ("Don't skip life").
They are clucking with us, the campaign launched by animal equality to expose the abuse of hens
Campaign awarded Gold in Best Sustainability at the Best! in Food 2021 awards.