The adventure

Jules Verne was renowned for his ability to imagine and describe the technology for amazing future, long before it was to become a reality. He imagined machines, worlds and devices that enabled his characters to do extraordinary things. At Darwin & Verne we follow in Verne’s steps to create innovative ideas that challenge the present, open up new horizons and transform the world in which we live.

Like the lighthouse in his novel The Lighthouse at the End of the World, we want to guide your brand and be alongside you on the journey to overcome the challenges approaching on the horizon as they come ever closer.

The store

Where can we take you?

In our ever-changing world, innovation is the key to transformation and progress. As ambassadors of change, we explore every avenue of disruptive innovation and lead you step by step into the future. From ideas that marry technology and creativity to revolutionary prototypes that unlock your team’s innovation.


  • AI-based product creation
    Artificial intelligence applied to creativity
  • Web3 Strategies
  • 3D asset generation
  • Augmented Reality Applications
  • Creation and integration in virtual worlds
  • Talking Metahumans
  • Trend reports
  • Innovation workshops by sector

The guardians

Our strongest techies leading a team of technocreatives to find the signals of coming change.

Miguel Pereira

Alberto Martínez

Bel Rodríguez


We do not forget Darwin on our journey. As Darwin rightly said, in human history the people who learned to work together are the ones who prevailed. So we have surrounded ourselves with a team of partners to draw on a wide range of thinking:


Creation of customised forecasts by industry and trends.


Gen Z Consultancy


The experiential and innovation section of Exterior Plus